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What's Wrong with this Picture?

While I never fully "got" Chuck Barris, I was always intrigued by The Gong Show; I loved the immediacy and (in?)sensitivity of the judgments provided by the likes of Phyllis Diller, Rex Reed and Rip Taylor (aka The Three People Paul Lynde will meet in Heaven). Perhaps that program was the inspiration for "What's Wrong with this Picture?," an event I have been hosting annually at the Northwest Filmmakers Festival since 200? Only in this case, I hog all the roles to myself as film judge, juror and executioner. Here's how The Portland Mercury's Marjorie Skinner previews this year's edition:

—Seattle's Warren Etheredge has earned himself the rarefied title of "film guru," but for our purposes what's most important is his utter lack of bullshit. The annual "What's Wrong with This Picture?" has him going through films that have been rejected from the festival circuit—he'll usually cut them off after the first few minutes—and giving his completely unvarnished, and often hilarious, assessment of why they suck. This is mainly for the benefit of the filmmakers themselves (who voluntarily submit their films to his criticism, BTW), but it can also make for great (albeit sorta cruel) entertainment just to attend—plus, you'll probably learn something. Miller Gallery, Mark Building, Portland Art Museum, 1119 SW Park, Saturday, November 8, 4 pm, FREE

Come on, aren't you even a little bit curious? Join me this Saturday for the event I most enjoy hosting every year. I promise, you will learn something.

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